Plumbing issues are common and sometimes unavoidable, but when they arise, you want to be able to handle them quickly and efficiently. Sadly, you may not have the answers to plumbing questions that could help you solve a current plumbing problem. This is where we hope we can help with the answers to some top plumbing questions.
Should I Lock Off My Water When I Go on Vacation?
Yes. If you’re like most folks, you have a checklist of “things to do” before your vacation. From what to pack to find a sitter for your beloved pets, you try not to forget anything by sticking to your checklist. However, did water shut-off make it on your vacation checklist? It should because you can’t predict if your pipes will burst or leak because of a plumbing issue when you’re away. To minimize the chance of damage or flooding in the event of unforeseen plumbing issues, before heading out on your vacation, shut off the water to your home.
Where Is My Main Water Shut-Off Valve Located?
Knowing where you’re main water shut-off valve is important, especially in the case of an emergency plumbing issue, such as a burst pipe or sewage backup, but also if repairing a leak. Your main water shut-off valve could be located in one of several areas. Homes built on a slab usually have the valve near the hot water heater or inside the garage. If you have a basement or crawlspace, look at the interior wall close to the front of the home. You may also find the shut-off valve where the main water line meets your outdoor water meter. If you’ve done a home inspection report, you should find a notation of the location of your main water shut-off valve.
Why is My Water Cloudy and How Do I Fix It?
Your water may be cloudy for a few different reasons:
- Air bubbles: This could be the simple reason for your cloudy water, and it often occur during the cold season when the water is under a bit more pressure and/or the temperature decreases as it travels to the faucet. The air bubbles will disappear naturally with time to rest in an open container.
- Dirt: Tiny particles of dirt and sand can enter your water supply and make it cloudy. A sediment filter should be enough to rid your water of the cloudiness.
- Sulfur: If sulfur is present is your water, it may not only be cloudy, but it may also smell like rotten eggs. Sulfur bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide gas, which is typically trapped in the water. Have your water tested if you suspect sulfur is present and install a home and water filtration system to eliminate the sulfur bacteria.
Why Is Water Leaking Through the Ceiling From My Light Fixture?
This is a scary scenario, but your walls and flooring can conceal small leaks, and oftentimes, the first sign is when the water travels through your flooring and into the light fixture. This is a plumbing emergency that requires particular care. Water and electricity do not mix. First, DO NOT tough the light fixture or attempt drain the water. Do NOT use the light fixture’s switch. SHUT OFF the power directly from your home’s breaker box. SHUT OFF the water from your home’s main shut-off valve. Finally, call in a professional plumber who will find the leak and repair the damage. Get an electrician to find out if your light fixture should be replaced or if it’s safe to use again.
Why Is My Water Bill So High?
There are several factors that could cause your water bill to spike, from significant plumbing problems to easily-fixed minor issues like leaking toilet, leaky faucets, leaky irrigation, leaky line, outdated and inefficient fixtures, water usage changes (e.g. more laundry rounds), and water wastage(e.g. overwatering lawn). A simple solution, to begin with, is cutting back on your water usage.
Why Does My Home Smell Like Sewer?
The unpleasant smell of sewer in your home can be caused by a couple of different things.
- The most common cause is missing or loose sewer trap plugs. Your home’s sewer access pit has a house trap containing water that acts as a barrier between the city sewer and your home, and the plug on this trap keeps the stench away. When poorly fitted or missing entirely, public sewer odor usually enters the home. A simple replacement of the plug or fitting it properly should clear the air.
- The U-trap becomes ineffective when the water dries up, no longer functioning as a barrier to the sewer odor. You can rid your home of the odor when you recreate the barrier by running water into the trap.
- If the problem isn’t in your home, there could also be major plumbing problems with the city sewer. However, if the smell persists, your drainage system may be compromise and not functioning properly. Get a professional plumber to check your drainage system.
What plumbing issue do you need help with? ASAP Drain Guys and Plumbing has the right team for the job. We guarantee excellent plumbing service no matter what your plumbing problem may be. Call us today.