Cleaning, cooking, drinking and flushing. Plumbing is essential for health and safety, and that’s why plumbers are exempt from stay-at-home orders. It’s all part of maintaining critical infrastructure during these difficult times.
Essential Services
While many states remained reluctant, California ordered an early shutdown that appears to have been highly effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19, compared to the statistics with those of New York.
A key part of the response to the crisis was careful consideration of what services are essential, situations where spread is most likely, and what business cannot practically work remotely. The top of the list for exemptions include healthcare and public utilities. Others range from grocery stores to pet supply, gas stations to banks. In particular building trades such as plumbing and mechanical services are considered necessary to maintain basic day to day life without compromising safety and public health. Businesses that do remain open are required to follow social distancing and personal protection measures.
Why Is Plumbing So Essential?
First and foremost it ensures that clean drinkable water stays safe. Even if those of us in the US take it for granted, in many parts of the world a lack of plumbing and clean water supplies leads to water-borne diseases. Not just rare outbreaks, but diseases year in and year out.
Second, properly functioning toilets and sewer lines keep homes and businesses sanitary. The WHO (World Health Organization) reports that together with a lack of clean water for drinking and cooking, untreated human wastes leads to the death of 1.4 million children each year.
Third, it’s important for cleaning, and cleaning is important for more than a pleasant appearance. Showers, baths, and clothes-washing are also considerable aspects to staying healthy. Not to mention the currently talked-about component of hand washing.
Fourth, keeping plumbers employed benefits the economy, and more importantly keeps skills important for critical infrastructure on the ready.
If you’ve ever been without water for a day or so, had a backed-up toilet, or experienced a major leak you’ll quickly agree that plumbing is an essential service.
As an Essential Service, We Remain Open To Serve You
ASAP Drain Guys & Plumbing is A+ BBB rated and have been serving San Diego since 2001. Learn more or contact us any time.